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Converter Samples

Convert a String into an int:

Given the following variable:

String indexNumber = "26062019";                                                        

to convert it in an int:

Converter converter = new BeanUtils().getPrimitiveTypeConverter();
int indexNumber = converter.convertValue(indexNumber, int.class);

Obtain a conversion function that converts from char to byte:

It's possible to obtain a type conversion function, reusable several times in different places. Assuming that the required conversion is from char to `byte

char c = '1';                                                        

the conversion function is retrieved through:

Converter converter = new BeanUtils().getPrimitiveTypeConverter();
Optional<Function<Object, Object>> conversionFunction = converter.getConversionFunction(char.class, byte.class);
byte converted = -> processor.apply(c)).orElse(0);
  • in case the conversion is not needed as the primitive type and the destination type are the same it will return an empty Optional
  • in case the conversion function is unavailable or no not possible the method throws a: TypeConversionException

IMPORTANT: The primitive type transformation (if enabled) is executed before any other FieldTransformer function defined on a specific field. This means that once the FieldTransformer function will be executed the field value has already been transformed.