Client Features
Jackson and Kotlinx Serialization Support
GraphQL Kotlin supports generation of client data models that are compatible with both Jackson
(default) and kotlinx.serialization
formats. Build plugins and graphql-kotlin-spring-client
default to use Jackson
whereas graphql-kotlin-ktor-client
defaults to kotlinx.serialization
See client serialization documentation for additional details.
Polymorphic Types Support
GraphQL supports polymorphic types through unions and interfaces which can be represented in Kotlin as marker and
regular interfaces. In order to ensure generated objects are not empty, GraphQL queries referencing polymorphic types
have to explicitly specify all implementations. Polymorphic queries also have to explicitly request __typename
field so it can be used to Jackson correctly distinguish between different implementations.
Given example schema
type Query {
interfaceQuery: BasicInterface!
interface BasicInterface {
id: Int!
name: String!
type FirstInterfaceImplementation implements BasicInterface {
id: Int!
intValue: Int!
name: String!
type SecondInterfaceImplementation implements BasicInterface {
floatValue: Float!
id: Int!
name: String!
We can query interface field as
query PolymorphicQuery {
interfaceQuery {
... on FirstInterfaceImplementation {
... on SecondInterfaceImplementation {
Which will generate following data models
- Jackson
- kotlinx.serialization
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "__typename"
@JsonSubTypes(value = [com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type(value =
= SecondInterfaceImplementation::class, name="SecondInterfaceImplementation")])
interface BasicInterface {
abstract val id: Int
abstract val name: String
data class FirstInterfaceImplementation(
override val id: Int,
override val name: String,
val intValue: Int
) : BasicInterface
data class SecondInterfaceImplementation(
override val id: Int,
override val name: String,
val floatValue: Float
) : BasicInterface
sealed class BasicInterface {
abstract val id: Int
abstract val name: String
@SerialName(value = "FirstInterfaceImplementation")
data class FirstInterfaceImplementation(
override val id: Int,
override val name: String,
val intValue: Int
) : BasicInterface()
@SerialName(value = "SecondInterfaceImplementation")
data class SecondInterfaceImplementation(
override val id: Int,
override val name: String,
val floatValue: Float
) : BasicInterface()
Default Enum Values
Enums represent predefined set of values. Adding additional enum values could be a potentially breaking change as your
clients may not be able to process it. GraphQL Kotlin Client automatically adds default __UNKNOWN_VALUE
to all generated
enums as a catch all safeguard for handling new enum values.
Auto Generated Documentation
GraphQL Kotlin build plugins automatically pull in GraphQL descriptions of the queried fields from the target schema and add it as KDoc to corresponding data models.
Given simple GraphQL object definition
"Some basic description"
type BasicObject {
"Unique identifier"
id: Int!
"Object name"
name: String!
Will result in a corresponding auto generated data class
* Some basic description
data class BasicObject(
* Unique identifier
val id: Int,
* Object name
val name: String
Native Support for Coroutines
GraphQL Kotlin Client is a generic interface that exposes execute
methods that will suspend your GraphQL operation until
it gets a response back without blocking the underlying thread. Reference Ktor and Spring WebClient based implementations
offer fully asynchronous communication through Kotlin coroutines. In order to fetch data asynchronously you should wrap
your client execution in launch
or async
coroutine builder and explicitly await
for their results.
See Kotlin coroutines documentation for additional details.
Batch Operation Support
GraphQL Kotlin Clients provide out of the box support for batching multiple client operations into a single GraphQL request. Batch requests are sent as an array of individual GraphQL requests and clients expect the server to respond with a corresponding array of GraphQL responses. Each response is then deserialized to a corresponding result type.
val client = GraphQLKtorClient(url = URL("http://localhost:8080/graphql"))
val firstQuery = FirstQuery(variables = FirstQuery.Variables(foo = "bar"))
val secondQuery = SecondQuery(variables = SecondQuery.Variables(foo = "baz"))
val results: List<GraphQLResponse<*>> = client.execute(listOf(firstQuery, secondQuery))
Optional Input Support
In the GraphQL world, input types can be optional which means that the client can specify a value, specify a null
OR don't specify any value. This is in contrast with the JVM world where objects can either have some specific value or
don't have any value (i.e. are null
). By default, GraphQL Kotlin Client treats null
Kotlin values as unspecified, which
means they will skip all null
values when serializing the request, e.g. given following query
query OptionalInputQuery($optionalValue: String) {
optional(value: $optionalValue)
GraphQL Kotlin plugins will generate corresponding POJO that defines Variables
public data class Variables(
public val optionalValue: String? = null
Regardless whether we specify optionalValue
as null
or rely on the default value, this field won't be serialized,
i.e. variables will be serialized as an empty JSON object {}
By specifying useOptionalInputWrapper = true
plugin configuration option, we can opt-in to a behavior that supports
three states - defined, null
or undefined. Generated code will then use OptionalInput
wrapper to represent those states.
See Gradle and Maven plugin for configuration details.
public data class Variables(
public val optionalValue: OptionalInput<String> = OptionalInput.Undefined
// usage
// - same behavior as default null, serialized as {}
val undefinedVariables = Variables(optionalValue = OptionalInput.Undefined)
// - serialized as {"optionalValue": null}
val nullVariables = Variables(optionalValue = OptionalInput.Defined(null))
// - serialized as {"optionalValue": "foo"}
val definedVariables = Variables(optionalValue = OptionalInput.Defined("foo")