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Version: 6.x.x

Writing Schemas with Spring

In order to expose your schema directives, queries, mutations, and subscriptions in the GraphQL schema create beans that implement the corresponding marker interface and they will be automatically picked up by graphql-kotlin-spring-server auto-configuration library.

name = "My Team Name",
url = "",
description = "send urgent issues to [#oncall]("
@GraphQLDescription("My schema description")
class MySchema : Schema

data class Widget(val id: ID, val value: String)

class WidgetQuery : Query {
fun widget(id: ID): Widget = getWidgetFromDB(id)

class WidgetMutation : Mutation {
fun updateWidget(id: ID, value: String): Boolean = updateWidgetInDB(id, value)

class WidgetSubscription : Subscription {
fun widgetChanges(id: ID): Publisher<Widget> = getPublisherOfUpdates(id)

will result in a Spring Boot reactive GraphQL web application with following schema.

schema @contact(description : "send urgent issues to [#oncall](", name : "My Team Name", url : ""){
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription

type Widget {
id: ID!
value: String!

type Query {
widget(id: ID!): Widget!

type Mutation {
updateWidget(id: ID!, value: String!): Boolean!

type Subscription {
widgetChanges(id: ID!): Widget!

Spring Beans

Since the top level objects are Spring components, Spring will automatically autowire dependent beans as normal. Refer to Spring Documentation for details.

class WidgetQuery(private val repository: WidgetRepository) : Query {
fun getWidget(id: Int): Widget = repository.findWidget(id)

Spring Beans in Arguments

graphql-kotlin-spring-server provides Spring-aware data fetcher that automatically autowires Spring beans when they are specified as function arguments. @Autowired arguments should be explicitly excluded from the GraphQL schema by also specifying @GraphQLIgnore.

class SpringQuery : Query {
fun getWidget(@GraphQLIgnore @Autowired repository: WidgetRepository, id: Int): Widget = repository.findWidget(id)

If you are using custom data fetcher make sure that you extend SpringDataFetcher instead of the base FunctionDataFetcher to keep this functionallity.

We have examples of these techniques implemented in Spring boot in the example app.