
public final List<String> getInclude()

Each time this parameter is specified will add to the list of fields and associated objects returned in the response. All values and field names are lower case. The values property_ids and catalog will continue to behave as specified below for backwards compatibility. All other top level field names will add the specified field to the list of fields returned in the response. See the response schema for a full list of top level field names. Additionally, the field property_id will always be returned regardless of what include values are passed.

Possible values: * property_ids - DEPRECATED - Please use property_id which matches the response field name. * catalog - Include all property catalog fields. See Property Catalog File endpoint for a list of fields. * property_id - Passing in the value property_id and no other values will limit the response to only property_id. Not necessary to include in combination with other field name values, as it will always be returned. * All field names found at the top level of the property content response are now valid values for inclusion.