
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption, String travelPurpose, String billingTerms, String paymentTerms, String partnerPointOfSale, String platformName)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption, String travelPurpose, String billingTerms, String paymentTerms, String partnerPointOfSale)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption, String travelPurpose, String billingTerms, String paymentTerms)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption, String travelPurpose, String billingTerms)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption, String travelPurpose)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include, List<String> rateOption)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter, List<String> include)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion, List<String> filter)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory, List<String> exclusion)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test, List<String> amenityCategory)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, String test)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp, String customerSessionId)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment, String customerIp)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<Property> getAvailability(String checkin, String checkout, String currency, String countryCode, String language, List<String> occupancy, List<String> propertyId, BigDecimal ratePlanCount, String salesChannel, String salesEnvironment)


Use execute method instead

Replace with

execute(operation: GetAvailabilityOperation)

Get property room rates and availability Returns rates on available room types for specified properties (maximum of 250 properties per request). The response includes rate details such as promos, whether the rate is refundable, cancellation penalties and a full price breakdown to meet the price display requirements for your market. Note: If there are no available rooms, the response will be an empty array. * Multiple rooms of the same type may be requested by including multiple instances of the occupancy parameter. * The nightly array includes each individual night's charges. When the total price includes fees, charges, or adjustments that are not divided by night, these amounts will be included in the stay rate array, which details charges applied to the entire stay (each check-in).





Check-in date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). This can be up to 365 days in the future. Some partner configurations may extend this up to 500 days.


Check-out date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Total length of stay cannot exceed 28 nights or 365 nights depending on Vacation Rental configurations.


Requested currency for the rates, in ISO 4217 format

Currency Options:


The country code of the traveler's point of sale, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. This should represent the country where the shopping transaction is taking place.
For more information see:


Desired language for the response as a subset of BCP47 format that only uses hyphenated pairs of two-digit language and country codes. Use only ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. See
Language Options:


Defines the requested occupancy for a single room. Each room must have at least 1 adult occupant.
Format: numberOfAdults[-firstChildAge[,nextChildAge]]
To request multiple rooms (of the same type), include one instance of occupancy for each room requested. Up to 8 rooms may be requested or booked at once.
Examples: * 2 adults, one 9-year-old and one 4-year-old would be represented by occupancy=2-9,4.
* A multi-room request to lodge an additional 2 adults would be represented by occupancy=2-9,4&occupancy=2


The ID of the property you want to search for. You can provide 1 to 250 property_id parameters.


The number of rates to return per property. The rates with the best value will be returned, e.g. a rate_plan_count=4 will return the best 4 rates, but the rates are not ordered from lowest to highest or vice versa in the response. Generally lowest rates will be prioritized.

The value must be between 1 and 250.


You must provide the sales channel for the display of rates. EPS dynamically provides the best content for optimal conversion on each sales channel. If you have a sales channel that is not currently supported in this list, please contact our support team.
* website - Standard website accessed from the customer's computer * agent_tool - Your own agent tool used by your call center or retail store agent * mobile_app - An application installed on a phone or tablet device * mobile_web - A web browser application on a phone or tablet device * meta - Rates will be passed to and displayed on a 3rd party comparison website * cache - Rates will be used to populate a local cache


You must provide the sales environment in which rates will be sold. EPS dynamically provides the best content for optimal conversion. If you have a sales environment that is not currently supported in this list, please contact our support team.
* hotel_package - Use when selling the hotel with a transport product, e.g. flight & hotel. * hotel_only - Use when selling the hotel as an individual product. * loyalty - Use when you are selling the hotel as part of a loyalty program and the price is converted to points.


IP address of the customer, as captured by your integration.
Ensure your integration passes the customer's IP, not your own. This value helps determine their location and assign the correct payment gateway.
Also used for fraud recovery and other important analytics. (optional)


Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session. (optional)


Shop calls have a test header that can be used to return set responses with the following keywords:
* standard * service_unavailable * unknown_internal_error (optional)


Single amenity category. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request rates that match multiple amenity categories.
See the Amenity Categories section of the Content Reference Lists for a list of values. (optional)


Single exclusion type. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple exclusions.
* refundable_damage_deposit - Excludes rates with refundable damage deposits from the response. (optional)


Single filter type. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple filters.
* refundable - Filters results to only show fully refundable rates. * expedia_collect - Filters results to only show rates where payment is collected by Expedia at the time of booking. These properties can be eligible for payments via Expedia Affiliate Collect(EAC). * property_collect - Filters results to only show rates where payment is collected by the property after booking. This can include rates that require a deposit by the property, dependent upon the deposit policies. * loyalty - Filters results to only show rates that are eligible for loyalty points. (optional)


Modify the response by including types of responses that are not provided by default.
* unavailable_reason - When a property is unavailable for an actionable reason, return a response with that reason - See Unavailable Reason Codes for possible values. * sale_scenario.mobile_promotion - Enable the mobile_promotion flag under the room.rate.sale_scenario section of the response. * rooms.rates.marketing_fee_incentives - When a rate has a marketing fee incentive applied, the response will include the marketing_fee_incentives array if this flag is provided in the request. (optional)


Request specific rate options for each property. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple rate options. Accepted values:
* member - Return member rates for each property. This feature must be enabled and requires a user to be logged in to request these rates. * net_rates - Return net rates for each property. This feature must be enabled to request these rates. * cross_sell - Identify if the traffic is coming from a cross sell booking. Where the traveler has booked another service (flight, car, activities...) before hotel. (optional)


This parameter is to specify the travel purpose of the booking. This may impact available rate plans, pricing, or tax calculations. * leisure * business (optional)


This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately. (optional)


This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately. (optional)


This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately. (optional)


This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately. (optional)
