
public final class GetRegionsOperationParams


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public GetRegionsOperationParams GetRegionsOperationParams(String customerSessionId, List<String> include, String language, String ancestorId, String area, List<String> countryCode, List<String> countrySubdivisionCode, String iataLocationCode, BigDecimal limit, String supplySource, List<String> type, String billingTerms, String partnerPointOfSale, String paymentTerms, String platformName)


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public final class Builder


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private final String ancestorId

Search for regions whose ancestors include the requested ancestor region ID. Refer to the list of top level regions.

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private final String area

Filter the results to regions that intersect with a specified area.

The area may be defined in one of two ways: * radius,region_id * radius,latitude,longitude Radius combined with region id would search an area that extends the number of kilometers out from the boundaries of the region in all directions.
Radius combined with a single point, specified by a latitude, longitude pair would search an area in a circle with the specified radius and the point as the center.
Radius should be specified in non-negative whole kilometers, decimals will return an error. A radius of 0 is allowed.
When specifying the area parameter, there will be a limit of 100 results, which can be narrowed further by the limit parameter.
Due to the number of results, unless point_of_interest is specified as the only type, regions of type point_of_interest will not be included in a request that filters to an area.

An example use case would be searching for the closest 3 airports within 50 kilometers of a specified point.

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private final String billingTerms

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final List<String> countryCode

Filter the results to a specified ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For more information see:

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Filter the results down to only the ISO 3166-2 country subdivision.

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private final String customerSessionId

Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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private final String iataLocationCode

Search for regions by the requested 3-character IATA location code, which will apply to both iata_airport_code and iata_airport_metro_code. The code must be upper case.

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private final List<String> include

Options for which content to return in the response. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values. The standard and details options cannot be requested together. The value must be lower case. * standard - Include the metadata and basic hierarchy of each region. * details - Include the metadata, coordinates and full hierarchy of each region. * property_ids - Include the list of property IDs within the bounding polygon of each region. * property_ids_expanded - Include the list of property IDs within the bounding polygon of each region and property IDs from the surrounding area if minimal properties are within the region.

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private final String language

Desired language for the response as a subset of BCP47 format that only uses hyphenated pairs of two-digit language and country codes. Use only ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. See Language Options:

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private final BigDecimal limit

Limit the number of results returned. Using the area parameter will impose a max value of 100 for this whether specified or not.

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private final String partnerPointOfSale

This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String paymentTerms

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String platformName

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String supplySource

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the geography response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.

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private final List<String> type

Filter the results to a specified region type.


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public final String getAncestorId()

Search for regions whose ancestors include the requested ancestor region ID. Refer to the list of top level regions.

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public final String getArea()

Filter the results to regions that intersect with a specified area.

The area may be defined in one of two ways: * radius,region_id * radius,latitude,longitude Radius combined with region id would search an area that extends the number of kilometers out from the boundaries of the region in all directions.
Radius combined with a single point, specified by a latitude, longitude pair would search an area in a circle with the specified radius and the point as the center.
Radius should be specified in non-negative whole kilometers, decimals will return an error. A radius of 0 is allowed.
When specifying the area parameter, there will be a limit of 100 results, which can be narrowed further by the limit parameter.
Due to the number of results, unless point_of_interest is specified as the only type, regions of type point_of_interest will not be included in a request that filters to an area.

An example use case would be searching for the closest 3 airports within 50 kilometers of a specified point.

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public final String getBillingTerms()

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final List<String> getCountryCode()

Filter the results to a specified ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. For more information see:

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Filter the results down to only the ISO 3166-2 country subdivision.

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Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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public final String getIataLocationCode()

Search for regions by the requested 3-character IATA location code, which will apply to both iata_airport_code and iata_airport_metro_code. The code must be upper case.

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public final List<String> getInclude()

Options for which content to return in the response. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values. The standard and details options cannot be requested together. The value must be lower case. * standard - Include the metadata and basic hierarchy of each region. * details - Include the metadata, coordinates and full hierarchy of each region. * property_ids - Include the list of property IDs within the bounding polygon of each region. * property_ids_expanded - Include the list of property IDs within the bounding polygon of each region and property IDs from the surrounding area if minimal properties are within the region.

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public final String getLanguage()

Desired language for the response as a subset of BCP47 format that only uses hyphenated pairs of two-digit language and country codes. Use only ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. See Language Options:

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public final BigDecimal getLimit()

Limit the number of results returned. Using the area parameter will impose a max value of 100 for this whether specified or not.

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This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPaymentTerms()

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPlatformName()

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getSupplySource()

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the geography response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.

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public final List<String> getType()

Filter the results to a specified region type.