
public final class ThirdPartyAuthRequest



Cryptographic element used to indicate Authentication was successfully performed


Electronic Commerce Indicator. The ECI is used in payer authentication to indicate the level of security used when the cardholder provided payment information to the merchant. Its value corresponds to the authentication result and the characteristics of the merchant checkout process. Each card network, e.g., Visa, MasterCard, JCB, has specific rules around the appropriate values and use of the ECI.


Indicates what version of 3DS was used to authenticate the user.


Directory Server Transaction Id. Returned during authentication and is used as an additional parameter to validate that transaction was authenticated.


set only if PAResStatus value is received in the authentication response


set this only if PAResStatus value is received in the authentication response if Authentication was Frictionless → AuthenticationResponse.PAResStatus, if Authentication was a successful challenge → \"C\" (This is the directory response for challenge)


String used by both Visa and MasterCard which identifies a specific transaction on the Directory This string value should remain consistent throughout a transaction's history.


Used in some scenarios for 3DS 1.0.


Only received for Mastercard transactions, else can be null. 0 - Non-SecureCode transaction, bypassed by the Merchant 1 - Merchant-Only SecureCode transaction 2 - Fully authenticated SecureCode transaction


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public ThirdPartyAuthRequest ThirdPartyAuthRequest(String cavv, String eci, String threeDsVersion, String dsTransactionId, String paResStatus, String veResStatus, String xid, String cavvAlgorithm, String ucafIndicator)


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public final class Builder


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private final String cavv
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private final String cavvAlgorithm
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private final String dsTransactionId
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private final String eci
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private final String paResStatus
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private final String threeDsVersion
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private final String ucafIndicator
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private final String veResStatus
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private final String xid


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public final static ThirdPartyAuthRequest.Builder builder()
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public final String getCavv()
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public final String getCavvAlgorithm()
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public final String getDsTransactionId()
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public final String getEci()
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public final String getPaResStatus()
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public final String getThreeDsVersion()
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public final String getUcafIndicator()
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public final String getVeResStatus()
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public final String getXid()
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