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This page shows the transformer performance for the following objects:

  • Mutable objects
  • Mutable objects extending another mutable object
  • Immutable objects
  • Immutable objects extending another immutable object
  • Mixed objects
Mutable Immutable Mixed
Simple objects (without nested objects) ~0.011ms ~0.018ms NA
Complex objects (containing several nested object and several items in Map and Array objects) ~0.37ms ~0.21ms ~0.22ms
CPU/Heap usage ~0.2%/35 MB ~0.2%/30 MB ~0.2%/25 MB

Transformation time screenshot

Real case testing

The Bean Utils library has been tested on a real case scenario integrating it into a real edge service (called BPE). The purpose was to compare the latency introduced by the library plus the memory/CPU usage. The dashboard's screenshot shows the latency of the invoked downstream service (called BPAS) and the one where the library has been installed (BPE). Following the obtained results:

Classic transformer BeanUtils library
Throughput per second 60 60
Average CPU usage 0.3% 0.3%
Min/Max Heap Memory Usage (MB) 90/320 90/320
Average Latency than the downstream service +2ms +2ms
JVM stats screenshot screenshot screenshot
Dashboard screenshot screenshot screenshot