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Version: 3.x.x


Functions returning interfaces will automatically expose all the types implementing this interface that are available on the classpath. Due to the GraphQL distinction between interface and a union type, interfaces need to specify at least one common field (property or a function).

Abstract and sealed classes will also be converted to a GraphQL Interface.

interface Animal {
val type: AnimalType
fun sound(): String

enum class AnimalType {

class Dog : Animal {
override val type = AnimalType.DOG

override fun sound() = "bark"

fun barkAtEveryone(): String = "bark at everyone"

class Cat : Animal {
override val type = AnimalType.CAT

override fun sound() = "meow"

fun ignoreEveryone(): String = "ignore everyone"

class PolymorphicQuery {

fun animal(type: AnimalType): Animal? = when (type) {
AnimalType.CAT -> Cat()
AnimalType.DOG -> Dog()
else -> null

The above code will produce the following GraphQL schema:

interface Animal {
type: AnimalType!
sound: String!

enum AnimalType {

type Cat implements Animal {
type: AnimalType!
ignoreEveryone: String!
sound: String!

type Dog implements Animal {
type: AnimalType!
barkAtEveryone: String!
sound: String!

type TopLevelQuery {
animal(type: AnimalType!): Animal

Abstract and Sealed Classes

Abstract and sealed classes can also be used for interface types.

abstract class Shape(val area: Double)
class Circle(radius: Double) : Shape(PI * radius * radius)
class Square(sideLength: Double) : Shape(sideLength * sideLength)

sealed class Pet(val name: String) {
class Dog(name: String, val goodBoysReceived: Int) : Pet(name)
class Cat(name: String, val livesRemaining: Int) : Pet(name)