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Version: 5.x.x


Any Kotlin interfaces will be mapped to a GraphQL interface. Due to the GraphQL distinction between interface and a union type, Kotlin interfaces need to specify at least one common field (property or a function).

Abstract and sealed classes will also be converted to a GraphQL interface.


The GraphQL spec does not allow interfaces to be used as input. This means that while it is valid Kotlin code to have an interface as an argument, upon schema generation, an exception will be thrown.

interface Animal {
val type: AnimalType
fun sound(): String

enum class AnimalType {

class Dog : Animal {
override val type = AnimalType.DOG

override fun sound() = "bark"

fun barkAtEveryone(): String = "bark at everyone"

class Cat : Animal {
override val type = AnimalType.CAT

override fun sound() = "meow"

fun ignoreEveryone(): String = "ignore everyone"

class PolymorphicQuery {

fun animal(type: AnimalType): Animal? = when (type) {
AnimalType.CAT -> Cat()
AnimalType.DOG -> Dog()
else -> null

The above code will produce the following GraphQL schema:

interface Animal {
type: AnimalType!
sound: String!

enum AnimalType {

type Cat implements Animal {
type: AnimalType!
ignoreEveryone: String!
sound: String!

type Dog implements Animal {
type: AnimalType!
barkAtEveryone: String!
sound: String!

type TopLevelQuery {
animal(type: AnimalType!): Animal

Abstract and Sealed Classes

Abstract and sealed classes can also be used for GraphQL interface types.

abstract class Shape(val area: Double)
class Circle(radius: Double) : Shape(PI * radius * radius)
class Square(sideLength: Double) : Shape(sideLength * sideLength)

sealed class Pet(val name: String) {
class Dog(name: String, val goodBoysReceived: Int) : Pet(name)
class Cat(name: String, val livesRemaining: Int) : Pet(name)