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Version: pre-release

Generator Configuration & Hooks

graphql-kotlin-schema-generator provides a single function, toSchema, to generate a schema from Kotlin objects. This function accepts four arguments: config, queries, mutations and subscriptions.


  • The queries, mutations and subscriptions are a list of TopLevelObjects and will be used to generate corresponding GraphQL root types.
  • Annotated schema TopLevelObject will be used to generate any schema directives


The config contains all the extra information you need to pass, including custom hooks, supported packages and name overrides. SchemaGeneratorConfig has some default settings but you can override them and add custom behaviors for generating your schema.

  • supportedPackages [Required] - List of Kotlin packages that can contain schema objects. Limits the scope of packages that can be scanned using reflections.
  • topLevelNames [Optional] - Set the name of the top level GraphQL fields, defaults to Query, Mutation and Subscription
  • hooks [Optional] - Set custom behaviors for generating the schema, see below for details.
  • dataFetcherFactory [Optional] - Sets custom behavior for generating data fetchers
  • introspectionEnabled [Optional] - Boolean flag indicating whether introspection queries are enabled, introspection queries are enabled by default
  • additionalTypes [Optional] - Set of additional GraphQL types to include when generating the schema.
  • schemaObject [Optional] - Object that contains schema directive information


Hooks are lifecycle events that are called and triggered while the schema is building that allow users to customize the schema.

For exact names and details of every hook, see the comments and descriptions in our latest javadocs or directly in the source file: SchemaGeneratorHooks.kt

As an example here is how you would write a custom hook and provide it through the configuration

class MyCustomHooks : SchemaGeneratorHooks {
// Only generate functions that start with "dog"
// This would probably be better just to use @GraphQLIgnore, but this is just an example
override fun isValidFunction(function: KFunction<*>) ="dog")

class Query {
fun dogSound() = "bark"

fun catSound() = "meow"

val config = SchemaGeneratorConfig(supportedPackages = listOf("org.example"), hooks = MyCustomHooks())

val queries = listOf(TopLevelObject(Query()))

toSchema(queries = queries, config = config)

will generate

schema {
query: Query

type Query {
dogSound: String!

Notice there is no catSound function.