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Version: pre-release

Getting Started


Using a JVM dependency manager, link graphql-kotlin-schema-generator to your project.

implementation("com.expediagroup", "graphql-kotlin-schema-generator", latestVersion)


graphql-kotlin-schema-generator provides a single function, toSchema, to generate a schema from Kotlin objects.

data class Widget(val id: Int, val value: String)

class WidgetQuery {
fun widgetById(id: Int): Widget? {
// grabs widget from a data source

class WidgetMutation {
fun saveWidget(value: String): Widget {
// some logic for saving widget

val widgetQuery = WidgetQuery()
val widgetMutation = WidgetMutation()
val schema = toSchema(
config = yourCustomConfig(),
queries = listOf(TopLevelObject(widgetQuery)),
mutations = listOf(TopLevelObject(widgetMutation))

will generate:

schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation

type Query {
widgetById(id: Int!): Widget

type Mutation {
saveWidget(value: String!): Widget!

type Widget {
id: Int!
value: String!

Any public functions defined on a query, mutation, or subscription Kotlin class will be translated into GraphQL fields on the object type. toSchema will then recursively apply Kotlin reflection on the specified classes to generate all remaining object types, their properties, functions, and function arguments.

The generated GraphQLSchema can then be used to expose a GraphQL API endpoint.


This function accepts five arguments: config, queries, mutations, subscriptions and a schemaObject. The queries, mutations and subscriptions are a list of TopLevelObjects and will be used to generate corresponding GraphQL root types. schemaObject is an optional TopLevelObject reference to the annotated schema object. See below on why we use this wrapper class. The config contains all the extra information you need to pass, including custom hooks, supported packages, and name overrides. See the Generator Configuration documentation for more information.

You can see the definition for toSchema in the source.


toSchema uses Kotlin reflection to build a GraphQL schema from given classes using graphql-java's schema builder. We don't just pass a KClass though, we have to actually pass an object, because the functions on the object are transformed into the data fetchers. In most cases, a TopLevelObject can be constructed with just an object:

class Query {
fun getNumber() = 1

val topLevelObject = TopLevelObject(Query())

toSchema(config = config, queries = listOf(topLevelObject))

In the above case, toSchema will use topLevelObject::class as the reflection target, and Query as the data fetcher target.

Dynamic TopLevelObject

In a lot of cases, such as with Spring AOP, the object (or bean) being used to generate a schema is a dynamic proxy. In this case, topLevelObject::class is not Query, but rather a generated class that will confuse the schema generator. To specify the KClass to use for reflection on a proxy, pass the class to TopLevelObject:

class Query {
fun getNumber() = 1

val query = getObjectFromBean()
val customDef = TopLevelObject(query, Query::class)

toSchema(config, listOf(customDef))