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public GetPropertyContentOperationParams GetPropertyContentOperationParams(String customerSessionId, String language, String supplySource, List<String> allInclusive, List<String> amenityId, List<String> attributeId, List<String> brandId, List<GetPropertyContentOperationParams.BusinessModel> businessModel, List<String> categoryId, List<String> categoryIdExclude, List<String> chainId, List<String> countryCode, String dateAddedEnd, String dateAddedStart, String dateUpdatedEnd, String dateUpdatedStart, List<String> include, Boolean multiUnit, List<String> propertyId, String propertyRatingMax, String propertyRatingMin, List<String> spokenLanguageId, String billingTerms, String partnerPointOfSale, String paymentTerms, String platformName)


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public final class Builder


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private final List<String> allInclusive

Search to include properties that have the requested all_inclusive values equal to true. If this parameter is not supplied, all all_inclusive scenarios are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested scenarios. * all_rate_plans - Return properties where all_inclusive.all_rate_plans is true. * some_rate_plans = Return properties where all_inclusive.some_rate_plans is true.

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private final List<String> amenityId

The ID of the amenity you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested amenity IDs. This is currently only capable of searching for property level amenities. Room and rate level amenities cannot be searched on.

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private final List<String> attributeId

The ID of the attribute you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested attribute IDs.

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private final String billingTerms

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final List<String> brandId

The ID of the brand you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested brand IDs.

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Search for properties with the requested business model enabled. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will return all properties that match any of the requested business models. The value must be lower case. * expedia_collect - Return only properties where the payment is collected by Expedia. * property_collect - Return only properties where the payment is collected at the property.

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private final List<String> categoryId

Search to include properties that have the requested category ID. If this parameter is not supplied, all category IDs are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested category IDs.

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private final List<String> categoryIdExclude

Search to exclude properties that do not have the requested category ID. If this parameter is not supplied, all category IDs are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will exclude properties that match any of the requested category IDs.

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private final List<String> chainId

The ID of the chain you want to search for. These chain IDs can be positive and negative numbers. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested chain IDs.

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private final List<String> countryCode

Search for properties with the requested country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested country codes.

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private final String customerSessionId

Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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private final String dateAddedEnd

Search for properties added on or before the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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private final String dateAddedStart

Search for properties added on or after the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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private final String dateUpdatedEnd

Search for properties updated on or before the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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private final String dateUpdatedStart

Search for properties updated on or after the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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private final List<String> include

Each time this parameter is specified will add to the list of fields and associated objects returned in the response. All values and field names are lower case. The values property_ids and catalog will continue to behave as specified below for backwards compatibility. All other top level field names will add the specified field to the list of fields returned in the response. See the response schema for a full list of top level field names. Additionally, the field property_id will always be returned regardless of what include values are passed.

Possible values: * property_ids - DEPRECATED - Please use property_id which matches the response field name. * catalog - Include all property catalog fields. See Property Catalog File endpoint for a list of fields. * property_id - Passing in the value property_id and no other values will limit the response to only property_id. Not necessary to include in combination with other field name values, as it will always be returned. * All field names found at the top level of the property content response are now valid values for inclusion.

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private final String language

Desired language for the response as a subset of BCP47 format that only uses hyphenated pairs of two-digit language and country codes. Use only ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. See
Language Options:

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private final Boolean multiUnit

Search for multi-unit properties. If this parameter is not supplied, both single-unit and multi-unit properties will be included. * true - Include only properties that are multi-unit. * false - Do not include properties that are multi-unit.

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private final String partnerPointOfSale

This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String paymentTerms

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String platformName

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final List<String> propertyId

The ID of the property you want to search for. You can provide 1 to 250 property_id parameters.

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private final String propertyRatingMax

Search for properties with a property rating less than or equal to the requested rating. The highest property rating value is 5.0.

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private final String propertyRatingMin

Search for properties with a property rating greater than or equal to the requested rating. The lowest property rating value is 0.0.

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private final List<String> spokenLanguageId

The id of the spoken language you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested spoken languages. The language code as a subset of BCP47 format.

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private final String supplySource

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the content response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.


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public final List<String> getAllInclusive()

Search to include properties that have the requested all_inclusive values equal to true. If this parameter is not supplied, all all_inclusive scenarios are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested scenarios. * all_rate_plans - Return properties where all_inclusive.all_rate_plans is true. * some_rate_plans = Return properties where all_inclusive.some_rate_plans is true.

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public final List<String> getAmenityId()

The ID of the amenity you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested amenity IDs. This is currently only capable of searching for property level amenities. Room and rate level amenities cannot be searched on.

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public final List<String> getAttributeId()

The ID of the attribute you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested attribute IDs.

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public final String getBillingTerms()

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final List<String> getBrandId()

The ID of the brand you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested brand IDs.

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Search for properties with the requested business model enabled. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will return all properties that match any of the requested business models. The value must be lower case. * expedia_collect - Return only properties where the payment is collected by Expedia. * property_collect - Return only properties where the payment is collected at the property.

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public final List<String> getCategoryId()

Search to include properties that have the requested category ID. If this parameter is not supplied, all category IDs are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested category IDs.

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Search to exclude properties that do not have the requested category ID. If this parameter is not supplied, all category IDs are included. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will exclude properties that match any of the requested category IDs.

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public final List<String> getChainId()

The ID of the chain you want to search for. These chain IDs can be positive and negative numbers. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested chain IDs.

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public final List<String> getCountryCode()

Search for properties with the requested country code, in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested country codes.

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Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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public final String getDateAddedEnd()

Search for properties added on or before the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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public final String getDateAddedStart()

Search for properties added on or after the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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public final String getDateUpdatedEnd()

Search for properties updated on or before the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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public final String getDateUpdatedStart()

Search for properties updated on or after the requested UTC date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)

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public final List<String> getInclude()

Each time this parameter is specified will add to the list of fields and associated objects returned in the response. All values and field names are lower case. The values property_ids and catalog will continue to behave as specified below for backwards compatibility. All other top level field names will add the specified field to the list of fields returned in the response. See the response schema for a full list of top level field names. Additionally, the field property_id will always be returned regardless of what include values are passed.

Possible values: * property_ids - DEPRECATED - Please use property_id which matches the response field name. * catalog - Include all property catalog fields. See Property Catalog File endpoint for a list of fields. * property_id - Passing in the value property_id and no other values will limit the response to only property_id. Not necessary to include in combination with other field name values, as it will always be returned. * All field names found at the top level of the property content response are now valid values for inclusion.

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public final String getLanguage()

Desired language for the response as a subset of BCP47 format that only uses hyphenated pairs of two-digit language and country codes. Use only ISO 639-1 alpha-2 language codes and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes. See
Language Options:

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public final Boolean getMultiUnit()

Search for multi-unit properties. If this parameter is not supplied, both single-unit and multi-unit properties will be included. * true - Include only properties that are multi-unit. * false - Do not include properties that are multi-unit.

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This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPaymentTerms()

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPlatformName()

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final List<String> getPropertyId()

The ID of the property you want to search for. You can provide 1 to 250 property_id parameters.

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Search for properties with a property rating less than or equal to the requested rating. The highest property rating value is 5.0.

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Search for properties with a property rating greater than or equal to the requested rating. The lowest property rating value is 0.0.

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The id of the spoken language you want to search for. This parameter can be supplied multiple times with different values, which will include properties that match any of the requested spoken languages. The language code as a subset of BCP47 format.

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public final String getSupplySource()

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the content response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.