
public final class PostGeographyOperationParams


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public PostGeographyOperationParams PostGeographyOperationParams(String customerSessionId, String include, String billingTerms, String partnerPointOfSale, String paymentTerms, String platformName, String supplySource)


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public final class Builder


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private final String billingTerms

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String customerSessionId

Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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private final String include

Options for which content to return in the response. The value must be lower case. * property_ids - Include the property IDs.

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private final String partnerPointOfSale

This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String paymentTerms

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String platformName

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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private final String supplySource

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the geography response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.


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public final String getBillingTerms()

This parameter is to specify the terms of how a resulting booking should be billed. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session.

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public final String getInclude()

Options for which content to return in the response. The value must be lower case. * property_ids - Include the property IDs.

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This parameter is to specify what point of sale is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPaymentTerms()

This parameter is to specify what terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getPlatformName()

This parameter is to specify what platform is being used to shop and book. If this field is needed, the value for this will be provided to you separately.

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public final String getSupplySource()

Options for which supply source you would like returned in the geography response. This parameter may only be supplied once and will return all properties that match the requested supply source. An error is thrown if the parameter is provided multiple times. * expedia - Standard Expedia supply. * vrbo - VRBO supply - This option is restricted to partners who have VRBO supply enabled for their profile. See Vacation Rentals for more information.