
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Include> include, List<String> occupancy, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.RateOption> rateOption, String salesChannel, String currency)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Include> include, List<String> occupancy, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.RateOption> rateOption, String salesChannel)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Include> include, List<String> occupancy, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.RateOption> rateOption)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Include> include, List<String> occupancy)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Include> include)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Filter> filter)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout, List<GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Exclusion> exclusion)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin, String checkout)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test, String checkin)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId, GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperationParams.Test test)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp, String customerSessionId)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token, String customerIp)
@Deprecated(message = "Use execute method instead", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)"))
public final List<PropertyAvailability> getAdditionalAvailability(String propertyId, String token)


Use execute method instead

Replace with

execute(operation: GetAdditionalAvailabilityOperation)

Get additional property room rates and availability Returns additional rates on available room types, using the parameters of the previous call. The response includes rate details such as promos, whether the rate is refundable, cancellation penalties and a full price breakdown to meet the price display requirements for your market. Note: If there are no available rooms, the response will be an empty array. * The nightly array includes each individual night's charges. When the total price includes fees, charges, or adjustments that are not divided by night, these amounts will be included in the stay rate array, which details charges applied to the entire stay (each check-in).





Expedia Property ID.


A hashed collection of query parameters. Used to maintain state across calls. This token is provided as part of the additional_rates link from the shop response, or the shop link on a sold_out price check response. It is also provided from the shop_for_change link on an itinerary retrieve.


IP address of the customer, as captured by your integration.
Ensure your integration passes the customer's IP, not your own. This value helps determine their location and assign the correct payment gateway.
Also used for fraud recovery and other important analytics. (optional)


Insert your own unique value for each user session, beginning with the first API call. Continue to pass the same value for each subsequent API call during the user's session, using a new value for every new customer session.
Including this value greatly eases EPS's internal debugging process for issues with partner requests, as it explicitly links together request paths for individual user's session. (optional)


Shop calls have a test header that can be used to return set responses with the following keywords:
* standard * service_unavailable * unknown_internal_error * no_availability * forbidden (optional)


Check-in date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). This can be up to 365 days in the future. Some partner configurations may extend this up to 500 days.
Note: Only needed for hard change if desired check-in date is different than original booking. If specified must also specify checkout. (optional)


Check-out date, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD). Total length of stay cannot exceed 28 nights or 365 nights depending on Vacation Rental configurations.
Note: Only needed for hard change if desired check-out date is different than original booking. If specified must also specify checkin.


Single exclusion type. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple exclusions.
Note: Optional parameter for use with hard change requests.
* refundable_damage_deposit - Excludes Rapid supplied Vrbo rates with refundable damage deposits from the response. * card_on_file - Excludes Rapid supplied Vrbo rates with card-on-file damage collection from the response. (optional)


Single filter type. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple filters.
Note: Optional parameter for use with hard change requests.
This parameter cannot be set to property_collect if the existing booking is expedia_collect and vice versa.
* refundable - Filters results to only show fully refundable rates. * expedia_collect - Filters results to only show rates where payment is collected by Expedia at the time of booking. These properties can be eligible for payments via Expedia Affiliate Collect(EAC). * property_collect - Filters results to only show rates where payment is collected by the property after booking. This can include rates that require a deposit by the property, dependent upon the deposit policies. * loyalty - Filters results to only show rates that are eligible for loyalty points. (optional)


Modify the response by including types of responses that are not provided by default.
* sale_scenario.mobile_promotion - Enable the mobile_promotion flag under the sale_scenario section of the response. (optional)


Defines the requested occupancy for a single room. Each room must have at least 1 adult occupant.
Format: numberOfAdults[-firstChildAge[,nextChildAge]]
To request multiple rooms (of the same type), include one instance of occupancy for each room requested. Up to 8 rooms may be requested or booked at once.
Note: Only needed for hard change if desired occupancy is different than original booking.
Examples: * 2 adults, one 9-year-old and one 4-year-old would be represented by occupancy=2-9,4.
* A multi-room request to lodge an additional 2 adults would be represented by occupancy=2-9,4&occupancy=2 (optional)


Request specific rate options for each property. Send multiple instances of this parameter to request multiple rate options. Note: Optional parameter for use with hard change requests.
Accepted values:
* member - Return member rates for each property. This feature must be enabled and requires a user to be logged in to request these rates. * net_rates - Return net rates for each property. This feature must be enabled to request these rates. * cross_sell - Identify if the traffic is coming from a cross sell booking. Where the traveler has booked another service (flight, car, activities...) before hotel. (optional)


Provide the sales channel if you wish to override the sales_channel provided in the previous call. EPS dynamically provides the best content for optimal conversion on each sales channel.
Note: Must specify this value for hard change requests.
* website - Standard website accessed from the customer's computer * agent_tool - Your own agent tool used by your call center or retail store agent * mobile_app - An application installed on a phone or tablet device * mobile_web - A web browser application on a phone or tablet device * meta - Rates will be passed to and displayed on a 3rd party comparison website * cache - Rates will be used to populate a local cache (optional)


Determines the returned currency type throughout the response
Note: This parameter is only valid for hard change requests and is ignored in all other cases (optional)
