Payment Sessions Request
public PaymentSessionsRequest PaymentSessionsRequest(String version, String browserAcceptHeader, String encodedBrowserMetadata, PaymentSessionsRequest.PreferredChallengeWindowSize preferredChallengeWindowSize, String merchantUrl, PaymentSessionsRequestCustomerAccountDetails customerAccountDetails, List<PaymentRequest> payments)
The version of the EgPayments.js library.
browser Accept Header
The customer's browser accept header that was used in the booking request.
encoded Browser Metadata
Encoded browser metadata, provided by the EgPayments.js library.
preferred Challenge Window Size
The preferred window size that needs to be displayed to the customer. Following are the possible values of this field: * extra_small
: 250 x 400 * small
: 390 x 400 * medium
: 600 x 400 * large
: 500 x 600 * full_screen
: Full screen
merchant Url
Fully qualified URL of merchant website or customer care site.
customer Account Details