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Version: pre-release

Automatic Persisted Queries (APQ)

APQ is technique created by Apollo to improve GraphQL network performance with zero build-time configuration by sending smaller GraphQL HTTP requests. A smaller request payload reduces bandwidth utilization and speeds up GraphQL Client loading times.

A persisted query is a parsed and validated query document that is cached on a GraphQL Server, along with a unique identifier (SHA-256 hash). This way clients can send this identifier instead of the corresponding query which will drastically reduce the request size.

To persist a query, a GraphQL Server must first receive it from a Client, then, subsequent requests can just include the identifier instead of the query.


To support APQ we have created AutomaticPersistedQueriesProvider which is an implementation of the graphql-java PreparsedDocumentProvider, which is the interface that allows caching for parsed and validated GraphQL Documents (AST).

AutomaticPersistedQueriesProvider requires the implementation of AutomaticPersistedQueriesCache as a constructor argument. AutomaticPersistedQueriesCache is an interface that specifies the contract of how to retrieve documents.

Note: graphql-kotlin-automatic-persisted-queries provides a default in-memory cache implementation of AutomaticPersistedQueriesCache called DefaultAutomaticPersistedQueriesCache. In order to take full advantage of Automatic Persisted Queries, it's recommended to use an external cache mechanism like Redis.

Usage in GraphQL Kotlin Server

Provide an instance of AutomaticPersistedQueryProvider in the GraphQL engine builder preparsedDocumentProvider method:

val schema = "your schema"
val runtimeWiring = RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring().build() // your runtime wiring
val automaticPersistedQueryProvider = AutomaticPersistedQueriesProvider(DefaultAutomaticPersistedQueriesCache())

val graphQL = GraphQL
.newGraphQL(SchemaGenerator().makeExecutableSchema(SchemaParser().parse(schema), runtimeWiring))

graphql-kotlin-spring-server provides convenient integration of Automatic Persisted Queries functionality through simple configuration. Automatic Persisted Queries can be enabled by configuring following properties:

enabled: true

If you want to implement a different cache mechanism using Caffeine or REDIS you can just simply provide a Spring Bean and the autoconfigured AutomaticPersistedQueryProvider will use your custom implementation of the cache.

class REDISAutomaticPersistedQueriesCache : AutomaticPersistedQueriesCache {
override fun getOrElse(key: String, supplier: () -> PreparsedDocumentEntry): CompletableFuture<PreparsedDocumentEntry> {
// your implementation

class ApplicationConfiguration {
fun redisAutomaticPersistedQueriesCache(): PreparsedDocumentProvider = REDISAutomaticPersistedQueriesCache()

Usage in Clients

Clients that want to use APQ will need to calculate the unique identifier (SHA-256 hash) of a query and send it in the extension section of a GraphQL HTTP request

Example Payload:

"variables": {
"foo": "bar"
"extensions": {
"persistedQuery": {
"version": 1,
"sha256Hash": "ecf4edb46db40b5132295c0291d62fb65d6759a9eedfa4d5d612dd5ec54a6b38"

As seen, in an APQ request, the query field of the request payload is optional.


All errors are going to be provided in the errors array in the JSON Response:

  1. PersistedQueryNotFound if query was not provided and preparsed document could not be found in the cache using the provided sha256Hash the GraphQL Error response will be:
"errors": [
"message": "PersistedQueryNotFound",
"extensions": {
"persistedQueryId": "ecf4edb46db40b5132295c0291d62fb65d6759a9eedfa4d5d612dd5ec54a6b38",
"classification": "PersistedQueryNotFound"
  1. PersistedQueryIdInvalid if query was provided but the provided sha256Hash does not match with the query the GraphQL Error response will be:
"errors": [
"message": "PersistedQueryIdInvalid",
"extensions": {
"persistedQueryId": "ecf4edb46db40b5132295c0291d62fb65d6759a9eedfa4d5d612dd5ec54a6b38",
"classification": "PersistedQueryIdInvalid"