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Data Loaders

Data Loaders are a popular caching pattern from the JavaScript GraphQL implementation. graphql-java provides support for this pattern using the DataLoader and DataLoaderRegistry.

Since graphql-kotlin allows you to abstract the schema generation and data fetching code, you may not even need data loaders if instead you have some persistant cache on your server.

class User(val id: ID) {
// The friendService and userService, which have nothing to do with GraphQL,
// should be concerned with caching and batch calls instead of your schema classes
fun getFriends(): List<User> {
val friends: List<ID> = friendService.getFriends(id)
return userService.getUsers(friends)


If you still want to use data loaders though, they are supported through the common interfaces.

graphql-kotlin-dataloader module provides convenient abstractions over the java-dataloader.


To help in the registration of DataLoaders, we have created an interface KotlinDataLoader:

interface KotlinDataLoader<K, V> {
val dataLoaderName: String
fun getDataLoader(graphQLContext: GraphQLContext): DataLoader<K, V>

This allows for library users to still have full control over the creation of the DataLoader and its various configuration options but also allows common server code to handle the registration, generation and execution of the request.

Additionally, the getDataLoader method provides access to the graphQLContext that was created from the GraphQLContextFactory, allowing you to use the graphQLContext as context of the DataLoader.


The GraphQLRequestHandler accepts an optional KotlinDataLoaderRegistryFactory. which generates a new KotlinDataLoaderRegistry on every request. The registry is a map of a unique data loader names to a DataLoader object that handles the cache for an output type in your graph. A DataLoader caches the types by some unique value, usually by the type id, and can handle different types of batch requests.

class UserDataLoader : KotlinDataLoader<ID, User> {
override val dataLoaderName = "UserDataLoader"
override fun getDataLoader(graphQLContext: GraphQLContext) =
DataLoaderFactory.newDataLoader<ID, User> { ids ->
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync { { id -> userService.getUser(id) }

class FriendsDataLoader : KotlinDataLoader<ID, List<User>> {
override val dataLoaderName = "FriendsDataLoader"
override fun getDataLoader(graphQLContext: GraphQLContext) =
DataLoaderFactory.newDataLoader<ID, User>(
{ ids, batchLoaderEnvironment ->
val context = batchLoaderEnvironment.getContext<GraphQLContext>()
// do something with graphQLContext
CompletableFuture.supplyAsync { { id ->
val friends: List<ID> = friendService.getFriends(id)
.setBatchLoaderContextProvider { graphQLContext }

val dataLoaderRegistryFactory = KotlinDataLoaderRegistryFactory(
UserDataLoader(), FriendsDataLoader()

val dataLoaderRegistry = dataLoaderRegistryFactory.generate()


KotlinDataLoaderRegistry is a decorator of the original graphql-java DataLoaderRegistry that keeps track of all underlying DataLoaders futures. By keeping track of to cache map containing returned futures, we get more granular control when to dispatch data loader calls.


graphql-kotlin-server includes a helpful extension function on the DataFetchingEnvironment so that you can easily retrieve values from the data loaders in your schema code.

class User(val id: ID) {
@GraphQLDescription("Get the users friends using data loader")
fun getFriends(dataFetchingEnvironment: DataFetchingEnvironment): CompletableFuture<List<User>> {
return dataFetchingEnvironment.getValueFromDataLoader("FriendsDataLoader", id)

DataLoaders and Coroutines

graphql-java relies on CompletableFutures for scheduling and asynchronously executing GraphQL operations. While we can provide native support for coroutines for data fetchers (aka field resolvers) because they are resolved independently, we cannot easily provide native support for the DataLoader pattern as it relies on CompletableFuture state machine internals and we cannot update it to use coroutines without fully rewriting GraphQL Java execution engine.

If you would like to use DataLoader pattern in your project, you have to update your data fetchers (aka field resolvers) to return CompletableFuture from the invoked DataLoader.


Consider the following query:

fragment UserFragment on User {
query GetUsersFriends {
user_1: user(id: 1) {
user_2: user(id: 2) {

And the corresponding code that will autogenerate schema:

class MyQuery(
private val userService: UserService
) : Query {
suspend fun getUser(id: Int): User = userService.getUser(id)

class UserService {
suspend fun getUser(id: Int): User = // async logic to get user
suspend fun getUsers(ids: List<Int>): List<User> = // async logic to get users

When we execute the above query, we will end up calling UserService#getUser twice which will result in two independent downstream service/database calls. This problem is called N+1 problem. By using DataLoader pattern, we can solve this problem and only make a single downstream request/query.

Lets create the UserDataLoader:

class UserDataLoader : KotlinDataLoader<ID, User> {
override val dataLoaderName = "UserDataLoader" // 1
override fun getDataLoader(graphQLContext: GraphQLContext) = // 2
DataLoaderFactory.newDataLoader<Int, User>(
{ ids, batchLoaderEnvironment ->
val coroutineScope = // 3
?: CoroutineScope(EmptyCoroutineContext) // 4

coroutineScope.future { // 5
.setBatchLoaderContextProvider { graphQLContext }

There are some things going on here:

  1. We define the UserDataLoader with name "UserDataLoader".
  2. The KotlinDataLoader#getDataLoader(GraphQLContext) method returns a DataLoader<Int, User>, which BatchLoader function should return a List<User> and BatchLoaderEnvironment context is the GraphQLContext.
  3. Given that we don't want to change our UserService async model that is using coroutines, we need a CoroutineScope, which is conveniently available in the GraphQLContext and accessible through the BatchLoaderEnvironment.
  4. After retrieving the CoroutineScope from the batchLoaderEnvironment we will be able to execute the userService.getUsers(ids) suspendable function.
  5. We interoperate the suspendable function result to a CompletableFuture using coroutineScope.future.

Finally, we need to update user field resolver, to return the CompletableFuture<User> from the invoked DataLoader. Make sure to update method signature to also accept the dataFetchingEnvironment as you need to pass it to DataLoader#load method to be able to execute the request in appropriate coroutine scope.

class MyQuery(
private val userService: UserService
) : Query {
fun getUser(id: Int, dataFetchingEnvironment: DataFetchingEnvironment): CompletableFuture<User> =
.getDataLoader<Int, Mission>("UserDataLoader")
.load(id, dataFetchingEnvironment)

class UserService {
suspend fun getUser(id: Int): User {
// logic to get user
suspend fun getUsers(ids: List<Int>): List<User> {
// logic to get users, this method is called from the DataLoader