
public final class LocationGeoLocationAllOf



The geographic coordinates of the hotel property, based on a horizontal angular measurement relative to The Equator. North latitude will be represented by a positive value. South latitude will be represented by a negative value.


The geographic coordinates of the hotel property, based on a vertical angular measurement relative to the universal Prime Meridian (Royal Observatory, Greenwich). East longitude will be represented by a positive value. West longitude will be represented by a negative value.


Indicates whether the displayed Latitude/Longitude information is obfuscated. Note: Exact Lat/Long values for Vacation Rental properties will not be shown in either XAPv3 Search or Details responses to respect the security of the homeowner. Instead an 'obfuscated' Lat/Long value will be returned that will indicate the general area within which the property is located, but not the exact location of the property itself.


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public LocationGeoLocationAllOf LocationGeoLocationAllOf(String latitude, String longitude, Boolean obfuscated)


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public final class Builder


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private final String latitude
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private final String longitude
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private final Boolean obfuscated


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public final String getLatitude()
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public final String getLongitude()
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public final Boolean getObfuscated()
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