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public GetCarsListingsOperationParams GetCarsListingsOperationParams(String partnerTransactionId, String pickupAirport, String pickupCity, String pickupAddress, String pickupGeoLocation, Integer pickupRadius, String dropOffAirport, String dropOffCity, String dropOffAddress, String dropOffGeoLocation, Integer dropOffRadius, LocalDateTime pickupTime, LocalDateTime dropOffTime, GetCarsListingsOperationParams.SortType sortType, GetCarsListingsOperationParams.SortOrder sortOrder, Integer limit, Set<String> suppliers, Set<String> carClasses, String discount1Supplier, GetCarsListingsOperationParams.Discount1Type discount1Type, String discount1Code, Set<String> transmissions, Boolean airConditioning, Set<String> carTypes, GetCarsListingsOperationParams.Unit unit, Integer driverAge, List<GetCarsListingsOperationParams.Links> links, GetCarsListingsOperationParams.Source source)


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public final class Builder
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private final Boolean airConditioning

Specify whether to filter for cars that include or exclude air conditioning.

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private final Set<String> carClasses

A list of car classes to be used to filter search results.Multiple car classes may be separated by comma.Please see Class List in the Related Links Section below for all options.

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private final Set<String> carTypes

A list of car types to be used to filter search results.Multiple car types may be separated by comma.Please see a full list of Car Type Codes in the Related Links Section below.

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private final String discount1Code

The code of the discount to be applied.

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private final String discount1Supplier

Name or ID of the supplier who issued a coupon or discount code.NOTE: Only ONE discount code per transaction is currently supported by the API. If you enter more than one discount code, only the first one will be honored.Please see a full list of Expedia Vendor Codes & Names in the Related Links Section below.

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The type of discount to be applied.Supported values: CorpDiscount | Coupon.

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private final Integer driverAge

The age of the driver that will be renting the car.This value is required in the UK and optional elsewhere.

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private final String dropOffAddress

Address for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed in a request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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private final String dropOffAirport

Three letter code for the airport at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Supported values: standard 3 letter IATA Airport Code.Please see a full list of Car Vendor Codes and Airport Codes in the Related Links Section below.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed per request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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private final String dropOffCity

City name for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed in a request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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private final String dropOffGeoLocation

Latitude and longitude for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Latitude and longitude are separated by comma.South latitudes and West longitudes are represented by negative values.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed per request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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private final Integer dropOffRadius

Radius used in conjunction with a point to define the search area when searching by lat/ long, city or address.See ' unit' parameter below to select miles or kilometers.If no value is specified a default value of 25 will be assumed.Note: The pickup radius value will be used (instead of the the drop-off radius) when the requested pickup and drop-off city/address are exactly the same.

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private final LocalDateTime dropOffTime

Requested car drop off date and time. Date should be ISO8601 Date format.The supported search window is today to 330 days in the future.Note: The dropOffTime must be at least 2 hours later than the pickupTime for the request to be valid.

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private final Integer limit

The maximum number of search results that will be returned by the query.

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WS = WebSearch, AD = ApiDetails, WD = WebDetails

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private final String partnerTransactionId

Not consumed by Expedia Partner-generated identifier.

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private final String pickupAddress

The address of a car rental location where the customer would like to pick up the car.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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private final String pickupAirport

Three letter code for the airport at which the customer would like to pick up the car.Supported values: standard 3 letter IATA Airport Code.Please see a full list of Car Vendor Codes and Airport Codes in the Related Links Section below.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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private final String pickupCity

The name of the city in which the customer would like to pick up the car.Search results will include up to 40 rental locations that are closest to the center point of the search.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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private final String pickupGeoLocation

The latitude and longitude that defines where the customer would like to pick up the car.Latitude and longitude are separated by comma.South latitudes and West longitudes are represented by negative values.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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private final Integer pickupRadius

Radius used in conjunction with a point to define the search area when searching by lat/ long, city or address.See ' unit' parameter below to select miles or kilometers.If no value is specified a default value of 25 will be assumed.

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private final LocalDateTime pickupTime

Requested car pickup date and time.Date should be ISO8601 Date format.The default TIME is 10:30:00.The supported search window is today to 330 days in the future.(Note that each rental counter has different hours of operation. If you select a time in the middle of the night there may be no inventory available as all locations may be closed.)

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Order of sorting the car search results.Supported values: ASC, DESCIf no value is present a sort order of 'ascending' will be assumed.

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Method of sorting the car search results.Supported value: Price.If no value is present a sort by 'price' will be assumed.

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Indicates the source where the request is coming from.The available values for the source as below:browser - The value \"browser\" represents that the client is traditional - The value \"mobile\" represents that the client is mobile.all - The value \"all\" indicates that the client includes both browser and mobile.Only one source value may be used at a time.

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private final Set<String> suppliers

A list of supplier ids or supplier names to be used to filter search results.Multiple supplier names or ids may be separated by comma.Please see a full list of Expedia Vendor Codes & Names in the Related Links Section below.The max count of suppliers requested is limited to 20.Note: while you may filter using either supplier name or supplier ID, it is recommended that you use supplier ID, as this value will remain consistent in the event of a merger or other name change by the supplier.

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private final Set<String> transmissions

A list of car transmission drive codes to be used to filter search results.Multiple car classes may be separated by a comma.Please see a full list of Transmission Drive Codes in the Related Links Section below.

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The distance unit for the radius of a location-based search, or the distance between the center point of a search and the vendor location.Supported values: KM | MI.Default value: KM.


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public final Boolean getAirConditioning()

Specify whether to filter for cars that include or exclude air conditioning.

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public final Set<String> getCarClasses()

A list of car classes to be used to filter search results.Multiple car classes may be separated by comma.Please see Class List in the Related Links Section below for all options.

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public final Set<String> getCarTypes()

A list of car types to be used to filter search results.Multiple car types may be separated by comma.Please see a full list of Car Type Codes in the Related Links Section below.

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public final String getDiscount1Code()

The code of the discount to be applied.

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Name or ID of the supplier who issued a coupon or discount code.NOTE: Only ONE discount code per transaction is currently supported by the API. If you enter more than one discount code, only the first one will be honored.Please see a full list of Expedia Vendor Codes & Names in the Related Links Section below.

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The type of discount to be applied.Supported values: CorpDiscount | Coupon.

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public final Integer getDriverAge()

The age of the driver that will be renting the car.This value is required in the UK and optional elsewhere.

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public final String getDropOffAddress()

Address for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed in a request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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public final String getDropOffAirport()

Three letter code for the airport at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Supported values: standard 3 letter IATA Airport Code.Please see a full list of Car Vendor Codes and Airport Codes in the Related Links Section below.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed per request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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public final String getDropOffCity()

City name for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed in a request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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Latitude and longitude for the location at which the customer would like to drop off the car.Latitude and longitude are separated by comma.South latitudes and West longitudes are represented by negative values.Cannot coexist with other drop off parameters, only one drop off parameter is allowed per request.If no drop off location is specified, it is assumed that the customer will be dropping the car off at the same location at which they picked it up.

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public final Integer getDropOffRadius()

Radius used in conjunction with a point to define the search area when searching by lat/ long, city or address.See ' unit' parameter below to select miles or kilometers.If no value is specified a default value of 25 will be assumed.Note: The pickup radius value will be used (instead of the the drop-off radius) when the requested pickup and drop-off city/address are exactly the same.

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Requested car drop off date and time. Date should be ISO8601 Date format.The supported search window is today to 330 days in the future.Note: The dropOffTime must be at least 2 hours later than the pickupTime for the request to be valid.

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public Headers getHeaders()
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public final Integer getLimit()

The maximum number of search results that will be returned by the query.

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WS = WebSearch, AD = ApiDetails, WD = WebDetails

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Not consumed by Expedia Partner-generated identifier.

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public final String getPickupAddress()

The address of a car rental location where the customer would like to pick up the car.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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public final String getPickupAirport()

Three letter code for the airport at which the customer would like to pick up the car.Supported values: standard 3 letter IATA Airport Code.Please see a full list of Car Vendor Codes and Airport Codes in the Related Links Section below.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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public final String getPickupCity()

The name of the city in which the customer would like to pick up the car.Search results will include up to 40 rental locations that are closest to the center point of the search.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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The latitude and longitude that defines where the customer would like to pick up the car.Latitude and longitude are separated by comma.South latitudes and West longitudes are represented by negative values.Cannot coexist with other pickup parameters, only one pickup parameter is allowed per request.

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public final Integer getPickupRadius()

Radius used in conjunction with a point to define the search area when searching by lat/ long, city or address.See ' unit' parameter below to select miles or kilometers.If no value is specified a default value of 25 will be assumed.

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Requested car pickup date and time.Date should be ISO8601 Date format.The default TIME is 10:30:00.The supported search window is today to 330 days in the future.(Note that each rental counter has different hours of operation. If you select a time in the middle of the night there may be no inventory available as all locations may be closed.)

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public Parameters getQueryParams()
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Order of sorting the car search results.Supported values: ASC, DESCIf no value is present a sort order of 'ascending' will be assumed.

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Method of sorting the car search results.Supported value: Price.If no value is present a sort by 'price' will be assumed.

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Indicates the source where the request is coming from.The available values for the source as below:browser - The value \"browser\" represents that the client is traditional - The value \"mobile\" represents that the client is mobile.all - The value \"all\" indicates that the client includes both browser and mobile.Only one source value may be used at a time.

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public final Set<String> getSuppliers()

A list of supplier ids or supplier names to be used to filter search results.Multiple supplier names or ids may be separated by comma.Please see a full list of Expedia Vendor Codes & Names in the Related Links Section below.The max count of suppliers requested is limited to 20.Note: while you may filter using either supplier name or supplier ID, it is recommended that you use supplier ID, as this value will remain consistent in the event of a merger or other name change by the supplier.

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public final Set<String> getTransmissions()

A list of car transmission drive codes to be used to filter search results.Multiple car classes may be separated by a comma.Please see a full list of Transmission Drive Codes in the Related Links Section below.

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The distance unit for the radius of a location-based search, or the distance between the center point of a search and the vendor location.Supported values: KM | MI.Default value: KM.

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