
public final class RatePlan

Container for information on each rate plan.



The room type identifier.


The rate plan identifier.


The identifier of rate rule.


The identification number of the source that provides the rate plan.


The source name that provided the rate plan.


The number of rooms remaining through Expedia for this room type. NOTE: This value does NOT represent the total number of rooms remaining at the hotel property, only the number of rooms allocated to Expedia for sale by the property that currently remain in Expedia's inventory. When a hotel is listed as 'sold out' by Expedia there may still be rooms available for sale by the hotel through other channels. Also note that the RemainingCount response element has a maximum returned value of 100, even if there are more than 100 rooms available within bookable Expedia inventory. CMA Compliance Note (UK): websites in the UK that display remainingCount should make it clear to consumers that this count refers to the number of rooms remaining within Expedia inventory - NOT the number remaining at the property.


Indicates whether the rate is for member only. Only visible by configuration. Please contact your Expedia Account Manager if you need this node.


All promotion information of the ratePlan.


Indicates whether taxes and fees are included in base rate.


Text description for any deposit information provide by the property (if applicable).


Room payment information. The available options are: - Online: Pay at the time of booking - Hotel: Could either be paid at the hotel during the time of stay or paid at the time indicated by PaymentTime and PaymentSchedule


The time when the booking amount will be charged on the traveler’s credit card. Valid values are as follows: - UponBooking - PayLater - SupplierDiscretion


It will be true if PaymentSchedule has one installment and the value of \"Due\" is booking date, otherwise, it will be false.


Contains information on the payment schedule.


Indicates whether this rate plan need deposit to reserve.


Indicates whether the price of the room includes free Internet. (either wireless or wired)


Indicates whether the price of the room includes free wireless Internet access.


The localized details for the free internet amenity (only shown when FreeInternet = true). You can find a link to the complete list of Free Internet Details in Lodging Free Breakfast and Internet Details.


Indicates whether the price of the room includes free parking.


Indicates whether the price of the room includes free breakfast.


The localized details for the free breakfast amenity (only shown when FreeBreakfast = true). You can find a link to the complete list of Free Breakfast Details in Lodging Free Breakfast and Internet Details.


Indicate whether the room qualifies for Hcom Rewards Earn. (Hotels.com partners only)


Indicate whether the room qualifies for Hcom Rewards Burn. (Hotels.com partners only)


The amenities of the rateplan.


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public RatePlan RatePlan(String roomTypeId, String ratePlanId, String rateRuleId, String inventorySourceId, String inventorySourceCode, StayDates stayDates, Integer remainingCount, RatePlanPrice price, Boolean memberOnlyDeal, List<Promotion> promotions, RatePlanStandalonePrice standalonePrice, Boolean taxesAndFeesInclusive, String guaranteeText, RatePlan.PaymentMethod paymentMethod, RatePlan.PaymentTime paymentTime, Boolean fullDepositUponBooking, List<PaymentSchedule> paymentSchedule, Boolean reserveWithDeposit, Boolean freeInternet, Boolean freeWiFi, List<String> freeInternetDetails, Boolean freeParking, Boolean freeBreakfast, List<String> freeBreakfastDetails, Boolean hcomRewardsEarn, Boolean hcomRewardsBurn, CancellationPolicy cancellationPolicy, List<RatePlanAmenitiesInner> amenities)


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public final class Builder
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Room payment information. The available options are: - Online: Pay at the time of booking - Hotel: Could either be paid at the hotel during the time of stay or paid at the time indicated by PaymentTime and PaymentSchedule Values: ONLINE,HOTEL

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The time when the booking amount will be charged on the traveler’s credit card. Valid values are as follows: - UponBooking - PayLater - SupplierDiscretion Values: UPON_BOOKING,PAY_LATER,SUPPLIER_DISCRETION


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private final List<RatePlanAmenitiesInner> amenities
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private final CancellationPolicy cancellationPolicy
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private final Boolean freeBreakfast
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private final List<String> freeBreakfastDetails
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private final Boolean freeInternet
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private final List<String> freeInternetDetails
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private final Boolean freeParking
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private final Boolean freeWiFi
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private final Boolean fullDepositUponBooking
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private final String guaranteeText
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private final Boolean hcomRewardsBurn
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private final Boolean hcomRewardsEarn
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private final String inventorySourceCode
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private final String inventorySourceId
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private final Boolean memberOnlyDeal
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private final List<PaymentSchedule> paymentSchedule
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private final RatePlanPrice price
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private final List<Promotion> promotions
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private final String ratePlanId
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private final String rateRuleId
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private final Integer remainingCount
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private final Boolean reserveWithDeposit
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private final String roomTypeId
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private final StayDates stayDates
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private final Boolean taxesAndFeesInclusive


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public final static RatePlan.Builder builder()
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public final Boolean getFreeBreakfast()
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public final Boolean getFreeInternet()
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public final Boolean getFreeParking()
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public final Boolean getFreeWiFi()
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public final String getGuaranteeText()
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public final Boolean getHcomRewardsBurn()
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public final Boolean getHcomRewardsEarn()
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public final Boolean getMemberOnlyDeal()
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public final RatePlanPrice getPrice()
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public final List<Promotion> getPromotions()
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public final String getRatePlanId()
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public final String getRateRuleId()
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public final Integer getRemainingCount()
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public final String getRoomTypeId()
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public final StayDates getStayDates()
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public final RatePlan.Builder toBuilder()