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public GetLodgingQuotesOperationParams GetLodgingQuotesOperationParams(String partnerTransactionId, Set<String> propertyIds, LocalDate checkIn, LocalDate checkOut, String currency, List<GetLodgingQuotesOperationParams.Links> links, Boolean travelWithPets, Long room1Adults, List<String> room1ChildAges, Long room2Adults, List<String> room2ChildAges, Long room3Adults, List<String> room3ChildAges, Long room4Adults, List<String> room4ChildAges, Long room5Adults, List<String> room5ChildAges, Long room6Adults, List<String> room6ChildAges, Long room7Adults, List<String> room7ChildAges, Long room8Adults, List<String> room8ChildAges)


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public final class Builder
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private final LocalDate checkIn

Check-in date for property stay in an ISO 8601 Date format. This parameter should be used in combination with the checkOut parameter. The maximum advanced search window is 1000 days in the future, and the maximum length of stay is 732.

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private final LocalDate checkOut

Check-out date for property stay in an ISO 8601 Date format This parameter should be used in combination with the checkIn parameter. The maximum advanced search window is 1000 days in the future, and the maximum length of stay is 732.

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private final String currency

The requested currency expressed according to ISO 4217. PoS default currency will be passed if another currency is not specified in the request.

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Comma-separated list to specify the types of deep links. - WD (link to web infosite) - WS (link to web search result page) - WEB (include all website links)

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private final String partnerTransactionId

The Partner-Transaction-ID is a required API request header element that is not consumed by Expedia. It will be required in all XAP v3 API request headers and will be mirrored back to the partner in the corresponding API response header. The Partner-Transaction-ID may be any alphanumeric string of the partner's choosing.

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private final Set<String> propertyIds

Comma-separated list of Expedia Property IDs. NOTE: This API supports Expedia property IDs only by design – HCOM and Vrbo property IDs are not supported. For optimal performance, limiting your request to a maximum of 200 properties is recommended.

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private final Long room1Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in a specific room. Example: room1.adults is used to specify the number of adults in the first room. NOTE: multiple room request is only supported for conventional lodging hotels. Request for Vrbo properties should only include one room. e.g. 3 adults in room 1 and 3 in room 2, \"room1.adults\" is 6.

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private final List<String> room1ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in each of the rooms. Example: room2.childAges=1,3 means two children (1-year old and 3-year old) are staying in room #2. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Total number of children is indicated by the number of childAges included. If there are no children in the party then this value should not be included. NOTE: multiple room request is only supported for conventional lodging hotels. Request for Vrbo properties should include the ages of all the children in the first room. e.g. 1 child age 10 in room #1 and 1 child age 11 in room #2, \"room1.childAges\" is 10,11.

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private final Long room2Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in second room.

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private final List<String> room2ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in second room.

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private final Long room3Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in third room.

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private final List<String> room3ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in third room.

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private final Long room4Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in fourth room.

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private final List<String> room4ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in fourth room.

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private final Long room5Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in fifth room.

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private final List<String> room5ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in fifth room.

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private final Long room6Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in sixth room.

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private final List<String> room6ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in sixth room.

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private final Long room7Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in seventh room.

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private final List<String> room7ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in seventh room.

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private final Long room8Adults

Specifies the number of adults staying in eighth room.

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private final List<String> room8ChildAges

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in eighth room.

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private final Boolean travelWithPets

Indicates if the search should include pet-friendly properties. If set to \"True\" only properties that allow pets are returned. Pet fees, if available, are included in TaxesAndFees. The parameter is only applicable to the Vrbo brand.


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public final LocalDate getCheckIn()

Check-in date for property stay in an ISO 8601 Date format. This parameter should be used in combination with the checkOut parameter. The maximum advanced search window is 1000 days in the future, and the maximum length of stay is 732.

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public final LocalDate getCheckOut()

Check-out date for property stay in an ISO 8601 Date format This parameter should be used in combination with the checkIn parameter. The maximum advanced search window is 1000 days in the future, and the maximum length of stay is 732.

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public final String getCurrency()

The requested currency expressed according to ISO 4217. PoS default currency will be passed if another currency is not specified in the request.

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public Headers getHeaders()
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Comma-separated list to specify the types of deep links. - WD (link to web infosite) - WS (link to web search result page) - WEB (include all website links)

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The Partner-Transaction-ID is a required API request header element that is not consumed by Expedia. It will be required in all XAP v3 API request headers and will be mirrored back to the partner in the corresponding API response header. The Partner-Transaction-ID may be any alphanumeric string of the partner's choosing.

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public final Set<String> getPropertyIds()

Comma-separated list of Expedia Property IDs. NOTE: This API supports Expedia property IDs only by design – HCOM and Vrbo property IDs are not supported. For optimal performance, limiting your request to a maximum of 200 properties is recommended.

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public Parameters getQueryParams()
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public final Long getRoom1Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in a specific room. Example: room1.adults is used to specify the number of adults in the first room. NOTE: multiple room request is only supported for conventional lodging hotels. Request for Vrbo properties should only include one room. e.g. 3 adults in room 1 and 3 in room 2, \"room1.adults\" is 6.

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public final List<String> getRoom1ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in each of the rooms. Example: room2.childAges=1,3 means two children (1-year old and 3-year old) are staying in room #2. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Total number of children is indicated by the number of childAges included. If there are no children in the party then this value should not be included. NOTE: multiple room request is only supported for conventional lodging hotels. Request for Vrbo properties should include the ages of all the children in the first room. e.g. 1 child age 10 in room #1 and 1 child age 11 in room #2, \"room1.childAges\" is 10,11.

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public final Long getRoom2Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in second room.

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public final List<String> getRoom2ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in second room.

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public final Long getRoom3Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in third room.

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public final List<String> getRoom3ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in third room.

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public final Long getRoom4Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in fourth room.

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public final List<String> getRoom4ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in fourth room.

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public final Long getRoom5Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in fifth room.

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public final List<String> getRoom5ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in fifth room.

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public final Long getRoom6Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in sixth room.

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public final List<String> getRoom6ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in sixth room.

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public final Long getRoom7Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in seventh room.

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public final List<String> getRoom7ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in seventh room.

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public final Long getRoom8Adults()

Specifies the number of adults staying in eighth room.

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public final List<String> getRoom8ChildAges()

Comma-separated list that specifies the age(s) for each of the children in eighth room.

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public final Boolean getTravelWithPets()

Indicates if the search should include pet-friendly properties. If set to \"True\" only properties that allow pets are returned. Pet fees, if available, are included in TaxesAndFees. The parameter is only applicable to the Vrbo brand.

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