
public final class RoomType



Text description of the room type.


An encrypted string which includes the information that could be used to address the current room type. RoomKey has been renamed as OfferId.


An encrypted string which includes the information that could be used to address the current room type.


Name of Merchant that did the initial Authentication.


Indicate the room type is sold as package or standalone.


Container for rate plan information.


All promotion information of the room. Note: The node has been moved to RatePlan node, and will be deprecated soon.


The smoking options available for the room type.


Statement of bed types available for this offer. A room may have several bed type options available. NOTE: due to the large number of bed type options available, we no longer publish a list of available bed types. More information is available in Lodging Bed Types.


Container for all room amenities.


Container for all room amenities in group. The key is amenity category, the values are the amenity information. The category for grouped amenities in room level will be: - ACCESSIBILITY - BATHROOM - BEDROOM - CLUB_EXEC - FAMILY_FRIENDLY - ENTERTAINMENT - FOOD_AND_DRINK - INTERNET - MORE - OUTDOOR_SPACE - SAFETY


Container for Media elements.


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public RoomType RoomType(String description, String roomKey, String offerId, String merchantName, RoomType.RatePlanType ratePlanType, List<RatePlan> ratePlans, RoomTypePrice price, RoomTypeStandalonePrice standalonePrice, List<Promotion> promotionsDeprecated, RoomTypeLinks links, RoomType.SmokingOption smokingOption, List<BedType> bedTypeOptions, RoomOccupancyPolicy roomOccupancyPolicy, List<RoomTypeAmenitiesInner> amenities, Map<String, List<String>> descriptiveAmenities, List<RoomTypeMediaInner> media)


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public final class Builder
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Indicate the room type is sold as package or standalone. Values: STANDALONE,PACKAGE,WHOLESALE

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The smoking options available for the room type. Values: SMOKING_OR_NON_SMOKING,SMOKING,NON_SMOKING


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private final List<RoomTypeAmenitiesInner> amenities
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private final List<BedType> bedTypeOptions
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private final String description
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private final Map<String, List<String>> descriptiveAmenities
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private final RoomTypeLinks links
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private final List<RoomTypeMediaInner> media
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private final String merchantName
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private final String offerId
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private final RoomTypePrice price
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@Deprecated(message = "This property is deprecated.")
private final List<Promotion> promotionsDeprecated
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private final List<RatePlan> ratePlans
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@Deprecated(message = "This property is deprecated.")
private final String roomKey
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public final static RoomType.Builder builder()
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public final List<BedType> getBedTypeOptions()
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public final String getDescription()
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public final RoomTypeLinks getLinks()
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public final String getMerchantName()
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public final String getOfferId()
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public final RoomTypePrice getPrice()
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public final List<RatePlan> getRatePlans()
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public final String getRoomKey()
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public final RoomType.Builder toBuilder()