Room Rates
public RoomRates RoomRates(Integer roomIndex, RoomRatesBaseRate baseRate, RoomRatesTaxesAndFees taxesAndFees, RoomRatesTotalPrice totalPrice, RoomRatesTotalStrikeOutPrice totalStrikeOutPrice, List<RoomRatesTaxesAndFeesDetailsInner> taxesAndFeesDetails, List<MandatoryFeesDetail> mandatoryFeesDetails, List<RoomRatesNightlyRatesInner> nightlyRates)
room Index
Index of which of the requested rooms this entry refers to.
base Rate
taxes And Fees
total Price
total Strike Out Price
taxes And Fees Details
The breakdown for taxes and fees for this room for the entire stay. Only visible by configuration. Please contact your Expedia Account Manager if you need this node.
mandatory Fees Details
The breakdown for the taxes and fees that must be paid at the property.
nightly Rates
Container for the nightly rate of current room.